As always, the Music Workshop invites all who can to join us for our three and a half day conference of fellowship, study, worship, and praising the Lord in song. However, if daytime attendance is not possible for you, we strongly encourage you to be with us for the special programs and services offered each evening!
This year's Workshop is Tuesday, July 16 - Friday, July 19. On Wednesday, July 17, at 7:15p.m., we will gather at Statesboro Primitive Baptist Church for a Worship Concert presented by the Jubal Ministries Brass Orchestra. Two years ago, these wonderful musicians led us in an inspired and uplifting service of sacred music favorites, congregational singing, and praise. It was a great blessing to everyone and we're excited that they have agreed to join us again this year! A love offering will be taken to help support their national and worldwide music ministry.
On Friday night of Workshop, July 19, we will hold our traditional Sacred Concert at 7:30p.m. at Metter Primitive Baptist Church. Each year, the Music Workshop Choir holds intense choir rehearsals every day of the conference in preparation for this concert, which includes a variety of traditional and contemporary music. Musicians from various churches throughout the denomination participate in this hour of worship and praise.
Please see the two attachments for more details and seriously consider joining us for these outstanding programs! We're sure it will be a blessing for you, as it is for us!
Finally, Tuesday and Thursday nights of Workshop also offer special evening programs held at Camp Hillview near Metter. Delegates participate in a special, inspirational program of devotional and musical presentations on Tuesday. On Thursday, we reconvene for “Workshop's Got Talent”, with the delegates competing in a "fun night" talent competition. There's a LOT to choose from at Workshop! Looking forward to seeing you there!