The 62nd Annual Primitive Baptist Music Workshop will be held July 16 – 19, 2024 at Camp Hillview near Metter, GA. Our theme this year is Singing the Gospel.Within the church, it is universally agreed that music is an integral and important part of our worship. The study of this topic is a call to churches to be strictly gospel-centered and directed. The music of the church, as with any component of worship, is not to supplant the preaching of the gospel, but to compliment it. We are in a way ‘preaching’ the gospel as ‘heralds’ of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our guest speaker for the week’s worship services will be Brother Wade McElveen of the Lanes Primitive Baptist Church. Please pray for Brother Wade as he prepares to bring us these truths from the Word of God
Music Workshop Classes
Songs Of The Gospel - Wednesday & Thursday at 9:05 a.m. with Elder Vernon Eckleberry. A study of the scriptural foundation of many hymns and hymn development. Vocal Training - Wednesday & Thursday at 9:30 a.m. with Josh DeVane. Exercises in voice utilization and vocal projection.
Church Music –Who? What? When? And Where?- Wednesady & Thursday at 2:00 p.m. with Jim Tipps Instruction in the development and application of effective practices in church music; helping congregations offer a more beautiful and joyful song unto the Lord.
Teen Time- Wednesday & Thursday at 2:00 p.m. Instructors and discussion leaders are dependent on the number and age of teens in attendance. Guided conversations regarding meaningful worship music. Selection and preparation of a musical piece for a worship service or the Sacred Concert.
Instrumental Class- Wednesday & Thursday at 2:00 p.m. with Terry Pinkstaff Exploring the use of instruments in worship and preparing musical selections to be included in Music Workshop worship services.
Your Turn To Talk - Friday at 9:05 a.m. A time of sharing along with Questions & Answers.